Today is my 1 year blogging anniversary. So keeping with tradition I am giving out these 2 brand new magazines a postage stamp charm quilt kit, (sample shown in picture but with much more charms) and 2 panels of pre-printed stocking to make for Christmas by Nancy Halverson.Brand new and you can make up to six stockings.
Leave a comment about what you dislike the most about the quilting process and what you like the most.
I have been quilting for 3 years now and I have to admit that it has changed my life. There are aspects of quilting that I do enjoy like the rush you get when you see a new design you want to make, the satisfaction of searching for all the fabrics, and the pleasure you feel when you give that completed quilt or project to someone who really appreciates all the work you put into it.
Oh, but I do hate making the sandwich and machine quilting large quilts.
I love hand quilting much more.
What about you?
I will post the winner on Thanksgiving day.
What a generous giveaway! Congratulations on your blogiversary :-)
I like the rush of finding a new quiltpattern to try too... And I like making quilts for others, working with the colors and styles that they like, instead of my own favourites. I don't like sandwiching a large quilt either, I do however enjoy machinequilting -I'm not very good at it, but I do like it. LOL!
And I LOVE to see quilts I've made being used. Love love love it!!!
Congratulacions for your birthday. I like very much hand aplication and walk by patch blogs. And I don't like write in english and draw projects.
From Spain I wish you a happy day and new blog year.
My likes of quilting is finding the design, pulling the fabric and watching the top come together.
My dislikes is the quilting and binding. Those two steps are just not fun to me.
Congratulations Betsy! What a great prize. Who wouldn't want a try at those charms?
My favorite part of quilting is seeing how the top is going to look as it's going together, especially if I'm using scraps. I also love hand appliqué, hand-quilting, hand piecing, and sewing on the binding. I'm not crazy about choosing a backing and making it. And putting it into the frame by myself is not fun either.. it is much easier if I have someone to help me.. but that is not always possible. Never tried machine quilting, so I have no idea. And my new found fun is paper piecing!
Don't put me into the drawing, I don't need more stuff :) (I own the books and I gave you charms and I don't like Nancy's panel LOL )
My like in quilting is the piecing process. Sitting at my machine and just sewing.
My less favorite part has to be a tie between cutting and quilting. I think quilting is just something I'm not comfortable with probably due to not practicing.
Congratulations Betsy, I love your blog! It is the first one I read each morning. What I love most about quilting is the peacefulness of the process. I find my worldly worries slip away while I'm picking the pattern, matching the fabric, deciding on the binding. Everything else fades away. I wished I had found quilting years ago instead of waiting until my 50th birthday. Machine quilting is my thing, I can get my fingers around hand quilting at all, I simply don't enjoy it.
I love the fabrics...that is what keeps me going, I think...always looking for the perfect pattern for the fabric I love. My least favorite part is the binding...it isn't hard, but by the time I'm there, I am ready for the next project!
well... congrats on your 100th post.... what I LOVE about quilting is the actual quilting ... machine quilting that is, and what I dislike the most is all the cutting....
Congrats on one year of blogging!
I love the designing the most or maybe the giving them away. And least of all is basting or the clean up after. I can't believe you have only been quilting for such a short time.
I don't have the patience for hand quilting. So what I hate is when my sewing machine becomes tempermental, which has been happening more frequently. What I love is the creativity I get to express and sharing finished projects. I rarely keep things for myself.
That rush you describe is addicting. I love that feeling. What I don't like about quilting? Not much! I don't like blocks that are exactly the same in the whole quilt. Then you only have to look at one block to see the lovliness. I like a little more action in my quilts.
Congrats on 1 year. Mine is next month.
I love choosing the fabric and pattern nearly as much as the look on the receivers face when they first see their gift.
I dislike removing the paper when doing paper piecing.
Congratulations on your blogiversary!
About your question... As I don't have much experience, I still like every stage of the process because it's a chalenge... I just don't like when it doesn't come out as I want and have to start again...
My favorite part is cutting the fabric and sewing it back together. I like watching the new quilt take shape.
My biggest dislike is binding because a) I'm not a fan of hand sewing and b)by that point I just want to be done so that I can start something else!
Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary. I like working with the smaller pieces, before it gets to be large and harder to handle, but I also like when it is a finished quilt and ready for its fate.
What do I like about quilting: quilting. I practice and practice on a white board (free hand) but am so very impressed with how it looks on the quilt. What do I not like: binding. And what do I love about quilting: wrapping up in a quilt I have made. That is such a charge!
Congratulations on your one year of blogging. Likes & dislikes: I absolutely love the process of making the "top" of the quilt. Picking out fabrics, deciding which blocks to make, designing, rearranging, etc. I don't like the quilting process....not one bit. It's so overwelming and taxing. As you can imagine, I have loads of quilt tops......LOL
Congratulations! Wow, what a generous gift.
I hate having to cut up beautiful fabrics, but love putting them all back together.
Thank you for doing such a generous giveaway and a huge congrats on your blogiversary :) I think that for the most part I really dislike quilting. I love making the top and I really enjoy hand stitching on the binding but to put a quilt through my sewing machine I really dread that part.
There is so much to love about quilting. When I sit at my sewing machine I can reach through time and touch other quilters whose lives have since left this world. As I run my fingers over the fabrics I can feel the love that they had for the quilts they made and the joy they felt upon the completion of a project. That flows through me and into my work creating a pathway of love through generations.
I do not like cutting fabric. My first quilt was made from baby clothes, and I thought I needed about 5 times as much fabric as I did, I did nothing but cut for three months before I began quilting (ugh), sadly the dislike has suck with me.
I have learned to quilt my large quilts in 4 sections then put them together, oh so much easier. Happy anniversary, I am nearing my 175 post and will be having a give away then.
Happy Blogiversary.....
I guess I have to say that the sandwiching and quilting part is my least favorite part of the whole process.
Peggy in NJ
Choosing the fabric is the BEST part- whether its sitting down on the floor in a pile of scraps and choosing what goes with what or hitting the shops and trying to choose from all the delicious ranges of fabric. Sitting at the sewing machine putting the top together is also fun and satisfying. Machine quilting is OK if the projects not too big. Even binding is quite relaxing if there's something worth watching on TV!
congratulations on your anniversary! my favorite part of quilting? finding luscious new patterns and fabrics! the worst part? i don't think there is anyone except when i move on to a new project before the other one is finished...i don't like my stack of ufo's!
Congratulations on your blog-versary. I like actually sewing the quilt. I dislike having to choose the fabric. If I can find a kit I like I will choose that before starting from scratch. Please count me in on your giveaway.
congrats on your anniversary........I LOVE being able to create whatever I want I dislike being unorganised and procrastinating......happens all the time............
I like the new fabrics coming out all the time...for inspiration. I dislike that it seems alot of 'new' patterns are just repeats of the old...in different fabrics. I hope that made sense. Anyhow, congrats on your blogiversary
congratulations on your one year anniversary. i love having to be patient when gathering fabrics and finding the perfect pattern for them. the addictive side of me loves to cut & sew. the only thing i dislike is the disappointment of working on a new project while the old one has to wait. but that goes away when i finish something.
So many things to love about quilting-feeling of accomplishment, expression of creativity, the peacefulness and calming effect of the process. I guess my least favorite part is piecing the backing.
Wow, what a generous giveaway. I came here from Flower Pebble, you have a great site and I will be back!
I have to say that I love picking out fabrics, which is something I am good at, and putting the quilt together. I love seeing the colors and materials come together as a top! I am not as into quilting the quilt (thus my stack) or binding (thus my other stack!). Bindings are my least favorite!
Congratulations for your bloggiversarie.My favourite is a crazy patchwork,i can do it. I dont like cutting fabric, because i havent materials. In Mendoza is not available. Kisses. My english is to bad, excuseme
What I love - how one pattern can be made to look so differently (change the fabric, put on point, alter the size of blocks - and its a completely different look). . . I like the challenge of a new project, different techniques, and not having to work on just one quilt at a time: currently I'm working on a english paper pieced Grandmothers Flower Garden, string quilt blocks for charity, 54/40 quilt, and a scrappy Double Wedding Ring. If I get tired of one I can move on to another. And my big LOVE would have be the smiles when I gift the quilts to someone. I recently received a photo of a baby quilt made 23 years ago with a new baby using it, so thinking that my quilts will out-last me, gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.
Do Not Like: prewashing and ironing my fabric, basting a quilt, and working on a quilt I don't like - made one for my sister, she picked purple and orange for the two main colors...yuck...must admit it came out alright and does look great in her purple/orange bedroom. My likes far outweigh my dislikes, guess that's why I'm still quilting after 25+ years, thats right I started back before cutters and rulers. Quess I had better add cutters and rules to my list of likes....LOL... great question. Lovie lovieb@simplynet.net
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