I posted about the whole cloth quilt I have been working on several months ago.
This is my morning quilting project. After drinking my coffee, I listen to the news and hand quilt for about 30 to 40 minutes every morning except on the weekends because I don't have the bed to myself then.
It is coming along quite nicely. As stated in my previous post about this quilt, I purchased it already pre-printed about 2 years ago at a quilt show. I bought it so I could practice my tiny stitches. I have learned to quilt better by making this quilt.
2 years ago. Have yu been working on it all that time? How much longer do you think it will take?
Very nice. I don't remember you telling us about this quilt, I will have to go back and look. I'm sure it is going to be fabulous when it is done. You must get up really early to have time to quilt before you go to work.
What a great way to practice your quilting stitches. I have not hand quilted in years and it took me years to get small, even stitches!
Looks wonderful. What a great way to practice quilting.
That looks fantastic so far! I admire your patience and dedication to the project. Look forward to seeing it progress, too! ;o)
WOW....that's absolutely fabulas. You go girl! You have given me hope. I hand quilt when someone holds a gun to my head....lol....but I think I could do something like this. Thanks for the inspiration.
Take care.
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You're the winner of my 200th Post Giveaway. Congratulations!!
Please email me at heathermhaapoja @ juno.com with your mailing address and I'll get your prize in the mail right away. Thanks for playing!!
That's a lot of work! It's getting beautiful!
Your quilting looks wonderful. What a treasure you will have when you are done.
That is so beautiful! You have inspired me to start a long term project. I think I'll set it up on a frame and work on it about 1/2 hour a day. I have just the top for this. Thank you
P.S. it is so nice to be at the time in my life where I have spare rooms to leave a frame up all the time. I waited a long time for that!
This is beautiful. What a good way to keep up those handquilting skills, doing it every day. I am impressed!
What a great work you are doing. The quilt looks wonderful!
Have a nice weekend!
Greetings from Norway.
stunning, I am speechless.
This is just beautiful!!
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