My friend Cindy from Just Cindy is working on a Be Attitudes quilt from Art to Heart.
When I first met Cindy on blog land she was making some beautiful applique towels from the same book, so I bought the book in hopes of making the quilt.
Years later, I never made the quilt and when I saw that Cindy was making it, I decided to join her.
I made all the blocks first so I could clear my table of all the fabrics I wanted to sew.
Also, a few weeks ago Cindy sent me some lovely gifts. She sent some crochet dishcloths that I love using, a wonderful pattern and lots of luscious fabrics for my crazy quilting quilt of which she too is creating one.
Then my other friend Cyndi from Blue Bird sewing has gifted me several times during the year with charms for my hexie quilt and this month she sent me 2 boxes of fabric and a beautiful cosmetic case, with key ring and tissue holder. Cyndi makes bags to sell and her workmanship is to be envied.
Thank you both .
What a fun mail bag you have!! All sorts of goodies!! You are so love Ms. Betsy!
Your blocks are coming along nicely!!
What a great idea to make all the blocks so you can be more organized! I hope you enjoy the fabrics and other things.
oh not more temptation please
I think the Be Attitudes are great and will be nice to have in a quilt. Nice gifties for great blogging friends Betsy!
You have some wonderful gifties.
Well...it looks like I will be joining you and Cindy...she told me where to get the book and so I am waiting for it to some from amazon....then I will try and catch up. I like the idea of doing the blocks first. I can't wait. Hope you two dont mind me horning in on your Be Attitudes....
Love those "Be Attitudes" blocks, Betsy. Those will make a really adorable quilt. And yes, you are loved and should be spoiled! I'm happy you liked your little gifts.
WOW! you must have been a good girl to receive such great things.
Lovely gifts and your quilt is going to be so pretty , I know I have that pattern somewhere but not sure where .I love the Art to Heart books .
Fun mail here! Cyndi's work is amazing.
Looking forward to see this quilt your working on! So pretty!
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