Wednesday, November 7, 2007

sewing chaos

my sewing chaos started when I stopped quilting the projects on my quilting table in an effort to make items designed by Pat Sloan. I do not know how I came upon Pat's projects but I was hooked. I love her designs because they reflect me.

Also, I love to hand stitch so I spend time everyday doing that so my sewing machine time is limited. I do plan to complete these projects before Thanksgiving so if we decide to cook we will have a table to eat on.


KC Quilter said...

Welcome to Blogland! It's addictive. Your projects look great!!!

Betsy said...

Thanks to you I now have a blog.

Nancy said...

Welcome from me also.....this also will become addictive.
Aren't Pat's patterns great!! I love the large, free applique shapes.
Will be visiting often.

Busy Little Quilter said...

Congratulations on your new blog!

I, too, am in Pat's Yahoo Group, but here lately I have been a lurker. I have been spending time working on my blog, too!

I have the same problem that you do. I am hooked on Pat's patterns, her group, I belong to a Quilt Guild (where there are workshops), and I have a family. It just makes life fun.

Betsy said...

I do not belong to a guild because I work during the day and they meet during the day. Also, since I have only been quilting for 2 years there are still so many things I want to make for my family and self.
Hopefully when I retire I will join a guild.