The joy of staying home and catching up on projects though my poor garden is begging me to work it.Last week it was warm and I worked half of the garden.
This week is completely froze. We have had temps in the low 30"s with a hard frost and all the lovely plants I took care of are now frozen. The joy of gardening never ends.At least I can quilt when I can't be outside.
oh la la, I love that, so pretty
I love the bock! I'm so sorry to hear that your garden froze.
Crazy with 30 degrees in Florida!! Just crazy.
Though I'm ready for winter to be over and spring come here so I can play in my garden this year.
I hope it warms up in Florida soon, I still plan on coming to visit :)
:) Lovely block and yah! for extra sewing time....I hit publish too soon :)
The block is lovely with such beautiful work. This has been a hard winter, and I'm sorry to hear that it's hitting hard even in the warm states.
I am SO not enjoying this cold weather in Florida! I sure hope we don't have the snow they are predicting :-(
Very pretty....sorry to hear about your garden, but 30 sounds warm to us here in Iowa! Home from school for the 3rd day in a row....it's going to get above 0 on Sunday.
Ack! When it's that cold it's a much better idea to stay inside :)
I love your block!
Sweet block!!
Oh yes...these freezing temps aren't good for so many things at moment. The news was showing Iguanas falling out of the trees in Florida! Wow!!
That is just beautiful!!!
Love your block. Sorry about your garden freezing. I planted some vegetables in pots and I look at the temps every night to make sure they don't dip down to freezing. So far I've been able to cover them with plastic when it dipped to 37 one night.
Sorry about your garden! We have not seen ours the last few weeks, but the snow is prettier than our wintery garden anyway.
Your block is beautiful!
Amiga!!!! I adore the way you used your embroidery machine to do that. My block is done but I have yet to do the embroidery.
YIKES! 30 degrees??? Come visit me, we are in the high 70's this week.
Wow, that is a beautiful block, Fiesta!
I am so sorry to hear about losing your flowers. That has happened to me a time or two. We are pretty used to it in Michigan, but I bet you are not in Florida. I hope it warms up soon for you.
Sorry about the gardening frost :( Betsy. Love the Valentine - such a cute vintage look.
wow! this is beautiful......
Betsy, that block is beautiful.
Hope you're not frozen like your garden.
Will the garden survive?
Your vintage Valentine is stunning!
Hopefully the warm weather will come back soon!
I adore the block! So much detail!!!
this is just sooooo pretty..... keep on inspiring me - LOL... i have heard about your wicked weather...... yikes!
Stunning, simply stunning!
this block is fabulous!
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