Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A little treat for those who....

Pay it Forward with me.
Here are the details.
Pay It Forward

I have joined my first PIF from Mary

The concept of a PIF occurs when acts of kindness are performed without expecting anything in return and are passed on, trusting that the recipients will do the same and Pay It Forward, resulting in a never ending chain of kindness.

By signing on, my commitment is to make and send an appliqued kitchen towel like the one shown to the first 3 friends who post a comment to this post requesting to join this exchange and who promise to Pay It Forward to 3 other persons, and so on.

I can promise you that I will send it to you within the next 365 days. By signing on: what YOU then have to do in return is to Pay It Forward by making the same announcement and commitment on YOUR blog.

If you are one of the first 3 that sign up, please be sure there is a way I can contact you through your blog or email so I can get your contact info. Also, I’m going to limit participation to US residents only, because shipping gets to be expensive. ( I am sorry my international blog friends)
p.s. you may request a towel color. The one shown is mine. :D

So who wants to play?


Pat said...

Good luck with this.....I joined TWO PIF's awhile back (so that means I have 6 gifts to make) and I'm only partway through making them. If I was done, I'd join this....but can't as I will then need to be working on NINE gifts and my time right now won't permit that. :(

Anonymous said...'ll have fun with this! (already got a special towel from ya!) *wink*